Amaretto Bomb Pop by Smoky Blue

Amaretto Bomb Pop by Smoky Blue

Sweet bomb pop with an adult twist.

FLV FlavorPercentageGrams
Amaretto Sour0.80%0.80
Granny Smith0.80%0.50
Oak Barrel0.14%0.14
Pucker Tobacco0.14%0.14
Vanilla Custard0.80%0.80
PG/VG Ratio20/80
Total Flavoring3.10%

Creator’s Age Notes

Let sit for 4 days and enjoy…

Creator’s Flavor Notes

You da bomb. Oh yes. Two puffs and you be down with this one! An adult bomb pop, tasty! Refill often!

How to Mix This Vape Juice

  1. Gather all required mixing materials and tools.
  2. Prepare a flat, clean mixing area free of distractions.
  3. Add each ingredient individually. Tare or “zero-out” your scale between each addition. Make sure to shake each flavoring before adding. Tightly seal flavorings and fresh ejuice when finished.
  4. When the recipe mix is finished and ready to vape, shake the bottle firmly. Visible separation of ingredients should not be present prior to vaping. Look for an even distribution of air bubbles as an indicator that the contents are fully homogenized.

All the Flavor Used in This Ejuice Recipe

Download the Flavorah Vape Recipe Books

VOLUME 1Mastering the Art of DIY Vapor A How-To Book About Mixing eJuice Using Flavorah (PDF)

VOLUME 2Mastering the Art of DIY Vapor A How-To Book About Mixing eJuice Using Flavorah (PDF)