BLND: YouTube Edition FLV /// Flavour Testing Breakdown – New Flavors

This episode’s focus is testing, tasting, and reviewing initial mixes of the first batch of new flavors released to select mixers/reviewers. They’ll all be available to the public soon, so keep an eye out! Watch or listen in to the full episode, or if you’re looking for something in particular, we’ve provided a few time breakdowns. Listed below is where you can learn specifics about Flavorah in this episode.

Flavorah in BLND: YouTube Edition /// FLV Flavour Testing – New Flavors

6:22 – Introducing topic of the show: new FLV flavors. The first batch sent out includes Root Beer, Morning Mimosa, Popcorn, Graham Cracker, Vanilla Bean, and Blackberry Blossom.

11:25 – New flavor FLV Popcorn – commented as smelling great with butter and popcorn notes. Discussion on potential caramel popcorn pairing ideas.

19:35 – New flavor FLV Root Beer – Jerry loves this one, says it tastes like Barq’s root beer. He notes some slight effervescence in the throat.  He says it is surprisingly good with a hint of sarsaparilla, and that it’s definitely worth picking up.

23:30 – New flavor FLV Morning Mimosa – CokeCan describes it as not heavy in orange flavor. He notes more of a grapefruit taste. He thinks it’ll be versatile and a good base for building mimosa drink recipes. Jerry got hints of flavors that reminded him of FLV Bubble Gum.

27:50 – New flavor FLV Popcorn – SkiddlZ describes the smell as similar to caramel corn. He says the butter note gets very strong in higher percentages when vaping, making almost a sour note as a result. He comments that isn’t necessarily bad, but could be something to avoid for those sensitive to butyric acid.

30:10 – New flavor FLV Blackberry Blossom – Described as smelling very floral. CokeCan says it has a hint of lavender, which he appreciates, and a little musky note. He thinks it will be challenging to pair, but could work well with FLV Elderflower or a citrus. He comments that it is really smooth with a hint of blackberry note, but not sweet or candied, but more realistic.

36:30 – New flavor FLV Vanilla Bean – Jerry is thinking of mixing this with FLV Root Beer and then adding something to increase density some.

38:35 – New flavor FLV Blackberry Blossom – In addition, CokeCan thinks it’ll pair well with lemonade or lemon teas.

40:30 – Chit chat about how impressed they are with this first batch. Also, Jerry is worried that this will be the best out of all the new flavors (just wait and see!).

Back to FLV Vanilla Bean – Jerry really likes it and comments that it has an earthy note, that it’s not as sweet, and describes it as being “grounded”.

45:50FLV Vanilla Bean – CokeCan describes the back notes of this flavor as a deep sweetness and pure smooth vanilla with a slight alcohol note – like the bean flakes in a vanilla bean ice cream. Jerry describes the mouth-feel as similar to FLV Cream with an earthy note. They think it would pair well with FLV Cream, actually.

49:15FLV Graham Cracker – Get a cinnamon note from this flavor as well as biscuit notes – all in a good way. CokeCan comments that it smells like the best graham cracker available thus far. Jerry gets biscuit notes from this flavor and thinks it could work in place of a biscuit in recipes.

54:50 – They rank favorites from the first batch of new flavors based on initial testing:

Jerry Votes CokeCan Votes
Root Beer  Root Beer
Vanilla Bean  Blackberry Blossom
Morning Mimosa  Vanilla Bean
Graham Cracker  Graham Cracker
Popcorn  Morning Mimosa
Blackberry Blossom (hasn’t tried yet)  Popcorn

The other guys don’t vote, but the most noteworthy flavor is FLV Root Beer. It is a big hit with these guys.

57:45 – Some chat about FLV Smore and how it taste similar to the inside of a s’mores pop tart.

59:45 – Excitement for the flavors to come!

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