FDA Loses Funding for Ecig Regulations

A spending bill approved by a House subcommittee Thursday (June 19th) would prevent the Food and Drug Administration from requiring pre-market reviews of e-cigarettes that already are on the market.

Robert Aderholt protects access to ecigs that save lives.

House member Robert Aderholt from Alabama’s third CD is responsible for reigning in the FDA’s proposed regulation of lifesaving ecigarettes. The funding appropriation withholds money for a market crippling federal review and approval process that would have been applied to each and every product, but maintains the possibility of federal standards and rules to be applied to ecigarette devices.

Read the article about Congressman  Aderholt’s  efforts to fight for freedom to vape on the Associated Press Website.

One note, from our perspective as a flavor provider to the vapor market, is that ecigarettes are continually refered to as a “tobacco product.”  Which very often completely false.  Many ejuice manufactures are using nicotine from eggplants, tomatoes and other sources than tobacco.   How can an ecig be called — and regulated as — a tobacco product when there is no tobacco whatsoever in its components and supply chain?


Please contact Congressman Aderholt’s DC office and other members of his committee to thank him for understanding that electronic cigarettes are a tobacco alternative, not necessarily a tobacco product.  This link has his contact info: https://aderholt.house.gov/contact/offices