Featured Mixer: mlNikon

Quick Tidbits About mlNikon

mlNikon’s Introduction to Vaping

Emily (mlNikon) started vaping in 2015 – using an eleaf istick 20w – as soon as she learned about the healthier alternative. She made this decision because of a long family history of heart disease. She dual-used for a little while until she could kick her “first thing in the morning butt” habit.

The Leap Into DIY Mixing

Emily started DIY-ing when a friend mentioned he was interested in learning how. She had wanted to try it for a while, but was too intimidated to make the jump herself, and was delighted to have someone to take the journey with. She quickly dove deep down the rabbit hole of discovering new flavors and learning the nuances of layering and recipe development.

mlNikon’s Suggestions For Those That Want to Get Into DIY But Are Intimidated or Unsure

If mlNikon could give any advice to those who want to get into DIY – just do it. It is not as difficult as you might think and you can have a lot of fun saving money in the process.

The biggest mistake Emily made in the beginning, aside from waiting so long to get into it, was thinking that recipes needed to have a certain total percentage and trying to fit the flavors used in a recipe to adhere to that “guideline”. She states, “I had mixes that had flavors at 10% because I had it in my head that a recipe needed 20% total flavoring.”

Another mistake Emily made was waiting too long to start single flavor testing (sft) her flavors. She notes, “If you are interested in recipe development at all, it is really important to learn your flavors. I waited until I had over 200 of them and then I was really overwhelmed.”

Vape Community Involvement

“I try to give back to the community that helped teach me this amazing hobby by participating in the Noted podcast on the DiyorDie youtube channel and the Mixin Vixens show.

Active on:
All The Flavors – Search “mlNikon”
Mixin Vixens – YouTube ChannelFacebook Page
e-Juice Makers – Website
Noted – YouTube Channel

That’s All Folks

A big THANK YOU to mlNikon for letting us write about her and for her willingness to share personal experiences with us all!

That’s all we have for now, but stayed tuned for more mixer features throughout the year!

Also, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you have.