Featured Mixer Smoky Blue

Quick Tidbits About Featured Mixer Smoky Blue

  • Runs FLV Fan Website and Facebook Page
  • Active on VU Forum
  • Active on ELR
featured mixer smoky blue

Smoky’s Introduction to Vaping

She first started using cig-alikes back in 2004 from a company called Smoking Everywhere. She got into mixing because the cig-alikes taste was just repulsive, and not as satisfying as she was led to believe. She left vaping after it was passed on to the FDA in 2009, but yet came back in 2011, full swing mixing after discovering what would be called later, standard flavors.

The Leap Into DIY Mixing

It was almost 7 years ago, when talking with yet another company, that led her to what now is commonly called ultra flavors. Mixing with those type flavorings, she discovered a whole new world of low amounts of flavor makes for better tasting juices. As to date, she is still mixing! 

Smoky started mixing for both of her parents. Her mother had heart disease, as well as a host of other issues, and yet could not stop smoking. Her father died from cancer. She was encouraged by her mother to keep improving the taste, and she has yet to stop! Her love of flavors keeps her going!

Vape Community Involvement

Smoky runs a website called FLV Fan and can be found on the forum VU (Vaping Underground) as well as ELR (E-Liquid Recipes), however, she also runs a page on Facebook for her recipes and contests with Flavorah.

Active on:
FLV Fan Website
ELR (E-Liquid Recipes)
FLV Fan FB Page
VU (Vaping Underground)

What is The Best Way For People to Advocate for Vaping?

“The best way to advocate, is to understand what is at risk, and what we will loose if we do not. Encouraging those that just can not seem to stop smoking, the dual users, and educate everyone. Understand that we are not all alike, and if we were, we wouldn’t be where vaping is today, with lots of tasty flavors to enjoy. Find your spot, not just in mixing, and remember, this is life changing. Go out and save a life!”

That’s All Folks

A big THANK YOU to our featured mixer Smoky Blue for letting us write about her and for her willingness to share personal experiences with us all!

That’s all we have for now, but stayed tuned for more mixer features throughout the year!

Also, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you have.