FLV Cotton Candy – Does this Flavor Contain Ethyl Maltol?

If there was a dollar donated for each time this question has been asked, then the DIY community could fully fund the Pacific Legal Foundation’s FDA Lawsuit.

No, FLV Cotton Candy is not just ethyl maltol. It contains other unique and complex ingredients that make it vape better than what you would get with just straight EM.

For more context regarding food grade flavors formulated vapor that we provide and how they are made, some flavors can contain 99%  flavorless bases, but then the final 1% is what imparts the unique and complex notes. For instance FLV berry flavors contain 98% unflavored bases, but then over 30 unique ingredients all at <.5%.  That 2% is what brings all the distinct flavor notes!

That’s also the case with FLV Cotton Candy, which uses complex (and expensive) vanilla notes in addition to ethyl maltol in order to make it distinct and valuable flavor concentrate for mixing ejuice.

In the end it all comes down to creating a unique and distinct final product that should stand out. You might not be able to discern the difference between FLV Cotton Candy and one from another vendor in each case, or perhaps you can achieve the same results to clone in your own mixing process for cheaper using your own blend of vanillas, but at the end of the day we want to have a complex raw material that goes far beyond just a single commodity type ingredient like ethyl maltol. Its what makes Flavorah “The Flavoring for Vape Juice.”