MixLife Mixoff Supershow – Concrete River vs ID10-T – July 2017

ID10-T and Concrete River hashed out a rivalry in this MixLife Mixoff Supershow episode! The way it works: the rivals had 24 hours to submit a recipe to the judges, only 2-3 steep days, flavors had to be only Flavorah flavors/additives, and they can only use a max of 5 flavors. Check out the short video to see the replay of the live vape, reviews, and some really thorough flavor notes.

Competing Flavorah recipes in this Mixoff episode:

Gravity by Concrete River – Includes: Apple Pop, Cookie, Ginger Snap, Raisin Rum, and Sweet Fig. Mixer was going for a fig newton on this one.

Gumeye Ball by ID10-T  – Includes: Bubble Gum, Cream, Lemonade, Marshmallow, and Vanilla Pudding. Mixer was going for the lemon “ice cream” bar with gumballs for eyes that those classic ice cream trucks sell.

Try them out and let us know your thoughts!


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