We Need FDA Reform: Protect Your Right to Vape by Supporting the People Fighting to Save It

Vape Juice Litigation is Heating Up

When unelected bureaucrats at the FDA expanded their regulatory power and deemed that new and innovative vape products should be restricted more than old fashioned cigarettes, they got sued.

Many groups have sued the FDA. It is all about checks and balances, and the fact that there are none at the federal agency.  The more we learn about their rule-making process, the more we find out that the circumstances of the deeming regulations were dubious and potentially unconstitutional.

Two important lawsuits have been filed to protect the rights of vapers to choose how not to smoke.

Flavorah is supporting these efforts because they are consistent with our mission to eliminate tobacco from common use, and we want to raise awareness so that you can support them too.

About Flavorah

Nicopure Lawsuit

Currently raising money to fund their appeal. This lawsuit is protecting the first amendment rights of vapers to communicate truthfully about vapor products.  The FDA has attempted to regulate free speech by making truthful claims illegal. An example would be that vaping is less harm full than smoking. If it continues to advance, this lawsuit can balance the debate by protecting the free speech of the US vape community from the deep pockets of the big pharma and tobacco industry that benefits from the restrictions.

To support this lawsuit as an individual, donate: R2B Smoke Free FDA Lawsuit

Companies looking to make larger contributions ($1,000+) can send checks made out to “Keller and Heckman LLP” (note “R2B Deeming Appeal” in the memo line) Attention to Azim Chowdhury, at Keller and Heckman LLP, 1001 G Street NW, Suite 500W Washington DC, 20001. This is what we have done.

Pacific Legal Foundation Lawsuit

This new lawsuit challenges the legality of the FDA issuing regulations without approval from a senate confirmed department head as the constitution requires. The Deeming regulations were issued as an edict by an un-elected career bureaucrat without constitutional authority to invent new laws. If this lawsuit is successful, it will check the overreach of the FDA to create new laws that pretend vape products are tobacco.

To support this lawsuit, please donate at: Pacific Legal Foundation Vape Litigation